finished a few books

finished a few books recently, which is good. hadn't been reading as much as i'd like to be.

- hello, lemuria, hello by ron goulart (1979): goofy old sci-fi book. frederik pohl remains my fav author of this sorta stuff, but it was a pleasant read.

- the internet con by cory doctorow (2023): been following cory on social media for a bit. very well-researched book, but cory's biases are hella annoying. he understands the current (en)shitty tech landscape incredibly well. i think his unnecessary commentary on issues outside of his specialization are a bit off-putting. i place zero (or less) weight on cory's opinions on military, religious, and some other matters, but i'd still recommend this book as a fantastic primer. it maybe would have caused a much younger version of myself to consider a constitutional law career. will have to do some more research into his other books before i take the plunge.

- a man called ove by fredrik backman (2012): the first film i ever saw with my wife (on our first date) was 'en man som heter ove.' that's the original swedish film that inspired this english book, however many years later. i remember the movie being brilliant. this book, even more. makes me want to buy an old Saab and fix it up.

- spacehawk, inc by ron goulart (1974): i didn't realize this book was by the same guy as the other book. i bought them at the same used book store at the same time. but based solely on their oldness, cover art, & titles.

also finished some games:

- [pc] warhammer 40k space marine (the campaign) (2024)

- [quest] the last clockwinder (2023)

- [quest] robo recall: unplugged (2019)

and watched the film brainstorm (1983). i may have more to say about this film later... pretty entertaining though.

random shoutout to Lagrange for being a wonderful gemini protocol browser

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↩ tillbaka
⌂ hem

🖅 e-brev: gem at wampa dot xyz